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Great Zimbabwe University – Faculty of education

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Pays Zimbabwe, République du  
Adhésion à jour Votre adhésion au RIFEFF (Réseau international francophone des établissements de formation de formateurs) ne semble pas à jour ou peut-être n’êtes-vous tout simplement pas membre du RIFEFF. Visite le site du RIFEFF pour adhérer ou renouveler votre adhésion.  
Programmes offerts Bachelor of Adult Education (Honours)
Diploma in Adult and Continuing Education
Bachelor of Education Honours [Primary] In-Service
Bachelor of Education Honours [Secondary] In-Service
Graduate Diploma in Education
Master of Education Languages
Master of Education Curriculum Studies
Bachelor of Education Honours [Pre-Service] Early Childhood Development
Bachelor of Education Honours [Early Childhood Development] In-Service
Bachelor of Education Honours Psychology
Bachelor of Education Honours Sociology
Bachelor of Education in Philosophy (Honours) Degree [B.Ed. PHIL] In-Service
Bachelor of Education in Educational Leadership and Management (Honours) Degree [BEd. ELM Honours]
Master of Education Psychology/ Sociology/ Philosophy
Master of Education Early Childhood Development
Post-Graduate Diploma in Higher and Tertiary Education (PGDHTE)
Bachelor of Education Honours Special Needs Education
Bachelor of Education Honours [Primary] Pre-Service  
Adresse physique Great Zimbabwe University Box 1235 Masvingo Zimbabwe +263 Zimbabwe  
Adresse postale PO Box 1235 Masvingo 00263 Masvingo Zimbabwe  
Téléphone 39 253507  
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Date d'ajout 2015-11-09