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National University of Rwanda – College of education

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Pays Rwanda, République du  
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Programmes offerts Bachelor Of Education (Hons) (Named Subject) (Primary Teacher Education):
Bachelor of Education (Hons) Mathematics Education/ Integrated Sciences/ English Education/ French/ Kiswahili/ Kinyarwanda/ Entrepreneurship/ Social studies/ Foundations of Education (Primary Teacher Education)
Bachelor Of Education (Hons) In Early Childhood Education
Bachelor Of Education (Hons) (Named Subject) (Secondary):
Bachelor of Education (Hons) Biology/ Chemistry/ Computer Science/ Mathematics/ Physics/ Physical Education & Sports (Secondary)
Bachelor of Education (Hons) English/ French/ Literature in English/ Kinyarwanda/ Kiswahili/ Drama (Secondary)
Bachelor of Education (Hons) History/ Geography/ Economics/ Entrepreneurship (Secondary)
Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction;
Master of Education in Educational Leadership and Management;
Postgraduate Certificate in Learning & Teaching in Higher Education;
Postgraduate Diploma in School Guidance and Counseling;
Postgraduate Diploma in vocational and Technical Pedagogy
The school is in the process of introducing other undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.  
Adresse physique KG 11 Avenue, 47  
Adresse postale P.O.Box 5039 Kigali  
Téléphone +250 2551005911  
Site web officiel  
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Date d'ajout 2015-11-04