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Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Pays Afrique du sud  
Langue(s) d'enseignement anglais
Adhésion à jour Votre adhésion au RIFEFF (Réseau international francophone des établissements de formation de formateurs) ne semble pas à jour ou peut-être n’êtes-vous tout simplement pas membre du RIFEFF. Visite le site du RIFEFF pour adhérer ou renouveler votre adhésion.  
Type d'établissement Université technologique
Financement Public
Niveau de formation offert préscolaire
Programmes offerts (Further education and training)
BEd: further education and training (fet): economic and management sciences
BEd Hons: educational management
BEd Hons: fet: specialisation (general/natural sciences)
Hd: higher education and training
BEd: FET (general) or FET (specialisation: natural science or technology)
Pgce: further education and training
Ace: (specialisation) mathematics literacy
Ace: (specialisation) economics & management sciences
BEd Hons: FET: specialisation (economic and management sciences)
(General education and training)
BEd: general education and training (GET) foundation phase (grade r – 3)
Ace: (specialisation) barriers to learning
Ace: GET: foundation phase
BEd Hons: get: foundation phase
BEd: general education and training (GET) intermediate and senior phases (grade 4 – 9)
Ace: get: intermediate phase
Ace: (specialisation) arts & culture
Ace: (specialisation) technology
Ace: GET: visual arts
Ace: multi-grade / multi-age teaching
Ace: get: senior phase(specialisation) (alternate structure)
Ace: get: (senior phase) specialisation
BEd Hons: GET: intermediate and senior phase
(Research and postgraduate studies)
DEd: education  
Adresse physique  
Adresse postale (Cape Town campus) PO Box 652, Cape Town, 8000 Keizersgracht and Tennant Street, Zonnebloem  
Téléphone University : +27 21 959 6230
Department of Education, General Education and Training : +27 +21 680 1590/1510, +27 +21 864 5286/5221  
Télécopieur Department of Education, General Education and Training : +27 +21 680 1509, +27 +21 864 5268  
Courriel University :
Department of Education, General Education and Training :,  
Site web officiel  
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Date d'ajout 2011-06-12